hey and welcome! i (eric) will be your host today. i recently got engaged to, arguably, the most amazing girl in the world. now if you will be so kind, join us on a tour of our world for the next 5 months. please take a stroll down the aisles of our blog and make yourselves at home. i would offer you some coffee or tea, but we're fresh out, although there might be some in your kitchen...(i dunno, i'm just thinkin out loud?) if you will be so kind as to turn your attention toward the center aisle, you'll be able to view the adventures of mine and katie's engagement shenanigans as we do this thing called "wedding planning." while you're at it, come back every wednesday for "wedding wednesdays" by katie, you won't want to miss it! on either side of the center isle you will find informative gadgets to help you get to know us and the things we love (cookies, people, blogs, websites, tugboat racing, etc...). we hope it's as good for you as it is for us. if you have any questions, then leave a comment on any post and "customer service" (i.e. eric) will get back to you as soon as possible! have a nice time!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

weDDing weDnesDays :)

wow, it's been a whole week since i posted last. but it's been a busy week: {our} engagement party, one of my best friend's {adrienne} bachelorette shower/party, dave barnes & drew&ellie holcombe concert {yayyyyy!}, and wrapping Christmas presents {double yayyyy!}
But, you're probably thinking, "get on with the wedding inspiration! i'm bursting at the seams!" Well, okay, if you insist :)

i want eric and i to wear these buttons on our wedding day. they're so cute!!

here's something else for eric to wear on our wedding day:
wool socks! for his cold feet! hehe, so cute. you can even get the link to buy the pdf for the label here. the label says: "cold weather and warm hearts...for your potentially cold feet....from your loving bride"

this is a beautiful and rather unique cake. so many cakes are too similar these days, i want something kind of different, but still pretty, like this:

i think these cards are just awesome. i want to use them at one of my bridal showers {hint, hint to anyone who may be reading this and will play a role in planning those showers!!}
oh and you can go here to download this pdf and use them yourself!! there are even 2 more options for the color pattern on the border :)

and for my final gift of inspiration to you today, how about a little do-it-yourself, eh? i absolutely love these save the dates and this is not the first time i've come across them! so excited to find them again and i plan to work on making these over christmas break. {p.s. this will require a little help from any photog friends out there...any volunteers?}
{p.p.s you aren't a real crafty bride until you've devoured all of martha stewart's weddings website. go on 'head girl and check it out! http://www.marthastewartweddings.com/}

that's all for now. once i get better with this whole "blogging" thing, i'll give you more than just 5 trinkets of inspiration. but until then, so long! 

kt&eric {but mainly kt}

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